Privacy Policy 

Information notice pursuant to Art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

In Emmebi S.r.l. – Sistemi per l’ambiente based in Via Paolo Imperiale, 4 int. 12 – 16126 Genoa (GE) (or “Emmebi”), we recognize the importance of the protection of personal data and we consider this aspect a goal in carrying out our business.
Before communicating any personal data, we invite you to read the information below, as it contains all the important elements on the protection of personal data and on the security measures we have adopted to ensure compliance with national and European legislation.

Considering that the sites are many and different, we must inform you that our Privacy Policy is intended as valid only for our site (“Site”) while it does not apply to other websites that may be consulted via external links.

Before continuing we want to tell you that the processing of your personal data, which you will want to return to us, will be based on the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and retention, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

The data controller of the site is Emmebi as defined above. Given the importance that the protection of personal data has for us, you can always contact us at, to ask us for any information regarding the processing of your personal data.

By the term “Personal Data” we mean any information that may concern you and that can identify or make you identifiable.

To allow correct use of the Site and to make contact with us, the following are collected:

  • Contact details.Your name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and any others included in the communication that you decide to send, through the e-mail addresses on the Site or through the Whatsapp API.
  • Browsing data. The computer systems and software used to operate the site acquire, during normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. These include the IP address or domain names of the computers and terminals used by users, the addresses in URI / URL notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.
  • Data on how you use and browse the site. These Personal Data are the visits you make, response times of the page, the language chosen, etc., therefore information that is collected through the so-called Cookies. For more information on their use and which ones they are used, visit the Cookie policy.


The law on the protection of personal data provides for the possibility of using your Personal Data only for certain purposes and where they have a legal basis for doing so. Below, we explain the reasons that lead to treat them:

To respond to messages you want to send to the e-mail addresses indicated on the Site or through the use of the Whatsapp API. The legal basis is the pre-contract or the contract. It means that your data is necessary to start the first steps for a possible business relationship, or because we have to enter into a contract.
To allow correct navigation and improve the experience of using the website.
The legal basis is our legitimate interest, provided this does not outweigh your interests and rights. This legitimate interest is to provide, develop and improve the site and contact methods, and improve data security.
We would like to specify that, except for what refers to navigation data, the provision is free and optional, but failure to provide it could prevent us from following up on your requests.


On our site there is a specific section dedicated to customers and suppliers, who already have a commercial and contractual relationship with us. Access is not subject to the classic registration procedure, but against a specific issue of credentials. The data processed within the specific section are governed by the information dedicated to customers and suppliers that you find at the bottom of this page.


We will keep the data contained in messages sent to e-mail addresses or through the use of the Whatsapp API for a maximum of 1 year.
Instead, the browsing data will exist only for the duration of the browsing session. For more details, read the cookie policy.


You can always exercise your rights regarding the personal data we hold about you by writing to the e-mail address In this sense:

You have the right to access the information.
you have the right to have us correct any inaccuracies.
You have the right to request cancellation. You can do this by asking us to delete all personal data we hold about you, if it is no longer necessary for us or mandatory to keep it.
You have the right to transfer your data. We will provide you with a digital copy in a readable format. We will not do so to the extent that this involves the disclosure of data of another person other than you.
You have the right to request the limitation of the processing.
You have the right to object to the processing.
You have the right to complain about our use of your data. In this case, please let us know first so that we can address your concerns. If we are unable to do so, you can always contact the Italian Data Protection Authority at the web address


Your data will be accessible to our employees and collaborators, authorized and trained to carry out the indicated treatments.
If necessary, and not being able to do without it, the data may be disclosed to third parties who provide accessory or instrumental services that we cannot perform internally, such as companies that provide services for the management of the website and its infrastructure; those who provide these services operate as data processors.
No one else will be aware of your personal data, unless specifically requested by the Judicial or Public Security Authority.
No data will be disclosed externally.


Your personal data are processed at our offices and in any case within the territory of the European Union. Only, as for third parties, it is necessary to transfer them outside the EU, for reasons of a technical and / or operational nature, the transfer will take place in compliance with the provisions of the law and all appropriate precautions will be taken, including contractual, so that the protection, security and confidentiality of your personal data being transferred can be guaranteed.


Every day we strive to constantly improve, so it is also your commitment to periodically read this policy to check the changes and updates made.
To help you check, at the bottom of the page you will always find an indication of the policy update date.


Document date: December 14, 2021


Below we report the additional privacy information we have adopted for the specific treatments that may interest you.

Information on the processing of personal data relating to customers and suppliers, current and potential.