D.Lgs. 231/2001 and Code of Ethics

Emmebi S.r.l. – Sistemi per l’ambiente has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model, pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, in order to prevent any illicit behavior and exempt the company from applicable administrative and criminal liability, in the event that a crime potentially punishable under the Decree is committed.

In addition to the adoption of Model 231, in recognizing the importance of social and environmental risks arising from business activity, Emmebi identifies and manages operational, strategic, financial and compliance risks through continuous monitoring of the designated functions.

Among the main reference documents of the Organizational Model is the Code of Ethics which constitutes the collection of the general principles and rules of conduct of the company, representing a contractual addendum with legal value.

The Code of Ethics is the fundamental tool for communicating internally and externally Emmebi’s commitment to adopting behaviors based on the highest standards of transparency, integrity and loyalty and the strictest compliance with the laws in force.

The Code is also an essential element of the internal control system and its observance by all stakeholders contributes to the prevention of irregularities and crimes.

Starting in 2019, a Supervisory Body (OdV) was established with supervisory and control functions to guarantee the functioning, effectiveness, adequacy and compliance with the Organizational Model 231 and to prevent any crime that could lead to the administrative and criminal liability of the company.

Member of the Single Supervisory Body

Giovanni Lombardo